Reframe Your Morning Change to Make It Stick

I often hear people talking about their morning habit or waking early with statements like these: “I’m not a morning person!” “I just can’t get into writing in the morning.” “I don’t like waking early.” “This habit is really hard.” And those statements might all be true, but they’re not helpful. They frame the habit […]

My Writing Routine & Tools

I’m often captivated by the writing routine and tools of other writers — it gives me inspiration and ideas to try. If it works for them, maybe it’ll work for me too. So I thought I’d share a little bit about how I write, for those who are looking for an example of a daily writing routine (and the writing tools you might use).

Wake Early Habit Tips

You might have been working on the Wake Early Habit for a few weeks, but many of have had some difficulties. That’s completely normal. I’m here to help with some of the best tips I’ve found for creating the Wake Early Habit and overcoming common problems. Please note that you shouldn’t try to implement these […]

Recipe: Falafels with Hummus

Recipe from Jules Clancy of Stonesoup The best falafels I ever had were in a tiny hole-in-the-wall workers restaurant in Amman, the capital of Jourdan. I still remember the place was so busy and when we got a table there was no discussion over what we wanted. The server just came with flat bread, hummus […]

On Budgets, Financial Priorities, and Overspending Habits

A number of you have concerns about budgeting, ways to keep track of your spending, working on your overspending habits … and so I thought I’d talk about all of that in one post. This post is about budgeting, overspending habits, tracking spending, and financial priorities. I’m going to talk briefly about one at a […]

9 Tips to Help the Gratitude Habit

The habit of gratitude can improve your overall quality of life. That’s an amazing benefit from something so small. But as with any habit, it can feel like you’re not doing it right sometimes. To be honest, there’s no “right” way to do things, but in the spirit of helping a fellow habit creator, I […]

4. Changing Your Putting Away Habits

It’s great to create a beautifully decluttered space, but why does it keep getting messy again? It might be because you don’t yet have the habit of putting things away when you’re done with them. This is extremely common — most people don’t have the Putting Away habit. When you’re done with some clothes, you […]

Your Evening Routine + Questions About Sleep

The habit of waking early really starts with your evening routine. And so let’s talk about evening routines, and then get to some questions about sleep. Evening Routines If you don’t have a (fairly) consistent bedtime, it’s tough to form the habit of waking early. And so the place to start is what you do […]