3. Morning Habit: Working on Your Most Important Task

Some of you have chosen, as your morning habit, to work on your Most Important Task (MIT). That’s commendable — it’s a great habit! But what you also might find is that you’re procrastinating on it. One of our members, Amy, asked: “My morning habit this month is doing my MITs, but I find that […]

1. Beautiful Mornings Week 2: The Deliciousness of the Morning (plus tips)

We’re starting Week 2 of our Beautiful Mornings Challenge, and this week is about just continuing our gradual change. But it’s also about savoring the time you’ve created for yourself in the morning. So the instructions for Week 2 are simple: You pick a second thing to do in the morning, and wake up a […]

1. Beautiful Mornings: A Guide to Getting Started

We’re starting the Beautiful Mornings Challenge this week, and it’s all about waking slightly earlier (actually, that’s optional) and creating a beautiful, simple morning routine. Making the most of the delicious morning light and quiet. So let’s talk about how to get started this week. This first week, we’re just going to pick one thing […]

The Beautiful Mornings Challenge Overview

This challenge is about simple, loving morning routines, and I’m calling it the Beautiful Mornings Challenge. It’s about creating some space for meditation, reflection, movement, writing, or anything else you’d like to have room for in your life. And finding some space in the mornings for that, a sacred space that takes advantage of the […]