By Leo Babauta

If you make your reading challenge yet another chore you have to get through, you’re less likely to actually make it through.

And if you do make it, I promise you that it won’t be very enjoyable. You’ll be plowing through your reading just to get on with the rest of your day. You aren’t likely to keep the habit for very long beyond this month.

So what’s a better way than making it another chore and plowing through?

Creating an enjoyable reading ritual that you will actually look forward to.

I highly recommend this method, even if you’re tempted to skip it. Please read the recommendations below and give them your fullest consideration!

Ideas for a Lovely Reading Ritual

A ritual has a defined beginning, a middle, and an ending, so let’s look at each separately.




You can add other things to your ritual if they make it more enjoyable. But consider all of these, and see if they help.

A ritual is something you do regularly, and it has a specialness to it. It’s not just something you rush through or take for granted. If you elevate your reading challenge to a ritual you actually enjoy, this month will be so much better for you.