The Change Labs Beta Program
By Leo Babauta
Today I’m opening up a new program called Change Labs Beta to 50 volunteers (that’s you).
What is this program? It’s my way of testing & creating ideas and content for my new book, which is tentatively called “Zen Habits”. I’m self-publishing it this year, and to create it, I’m writing it for people in the beta program, using feedback from beta volunteers to make it better, and see how the ideas work in the real world.
So this is a really important program for me. It’ll help shape the book that will be a culmination of my work on habits, mindfulness and changing lives. And it’ll be a lot of fun.
How will the program work?
- It’s set to last 8 weeks — May and June, basically.
- You’ll be put into accountability groups of 10 people, and report to each other as you create habits.
- I’ll be sending you chapters of the book to read, put into action, reflect on.
- You’ll start a journal to be shared with me and members of your group. You’ll journal twice a week.
- I’ll give you missions each week. The journal entries will show the results of your missions.
- I’ll probably do a video call with all of you every 2-3 weeks.
- Every now & then, I’ll send out a brief survey to find out how the program is going.
So basically, each week you’ll be working on a habit and reporting into your accountability group; reading 1-2 articles a week; doing 1 mission a week; writing 2 journal entries a week.
If you think you can commit to that for the next 8 weeks, this program could change your life (no guarantees). It will definitely change mine, and I’ll be very grateful.
If you’re in, sign up by entering your info below to join the mailing list (no spam), and then taking the questionnaire we send you once you’ve confirmed yourself on the mailing list.