The Change Labs Coaching Program

Welcome to the Change Labs coaching program!

Let’s talk briefly about what this program is, and then get into action steps.

What is Change Labs?

Basically it’s a small coaching program I’m creating to help about 10 people change their lives, as research for a book I’m writing & publishing this year.

What do I mean by research? I’m going to refine the methods I plan to share in the book while working with you. I’ve already been working on these ideas & methods, but I need some real-world testing to make them more powerful.

However, I won’t be sharing anything about you or your situation or your problems, with anyone. You won’t be in the book, unless I ask you (and get your permission) to include your situation without personal details. More about my policies here.

How will I coach you? I’m still working that out, but I believe the program will consist of:

The Change Labs forum is here – it’s a private subforum in the Sea Change forums. Password is surrender.

What Are You Committing To?

By joining this program, you’re committing to doing the work required. You can quit at any time, but if you want to be in this program, you must commit to:

If you’re consistently failing to meet these commitments, I will ask you to leave so I can make room for someone else on the waiting list.

Changing your life takes work.

If you can’t commit to the program, please don’t do the action steps below, and please let me know asap.

Action Steps

You’re not in the program until you do the following steps:

  1. Sign up for the Mailing List.
  2. Read & agree to the policies.
  3. Fill out the initial questionnaire.