The Mindful Diet Healthy Eating Course

Welcome to The Mindful Diet Course! I’m glad to have you here, and am excited about the changes we’re going to make together.

This course aims to help people to eat healthier through mindful eating, small habit changes, and conscious food choices. For many, this might mean weight loss (if you’re overweight), but for others this might just mean becoming healthier, feeling better, getting leaner, or even gaining weight if that’s needed.

It’s not an overnight weight-loss plan. Instead, it’s a lifestyle change, and included will be not just what and how much to eat, but methods that will help with lasting habit changes, address emotional eating issues, help with grocery shopping and meal planning, teach you simple healthy recipes, and more.

START HERE: How the Course is Structured

Why is It Called ‘The Mindful Diet’?

This course is really about healthy eating, but it uses the habit of eating mindfully to accomplish healthy eating changes.

Eating mindfully helps you to eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re sated. It helps you to deal with emotional eating issues, eating during social occasions, making conscious and healthy food choices, and changing your habits gradually and consciously. It helps you enjoy your food more, and to enjoy eating healthy foods.

It’s not a diet that tells you what to eat. You don’t have to eat vegetarian food, though if you’re interested in that I can help. You don’t have to eat any specific kind of food, though I do recommend real food and especially lots of delicious veggies.

The Mindful Diet Healthy Eating Course: Week 1