Sea Change Discount Page for Lift Users

By Leo Babauta

Welcome Lift users! It’s great to find people who are as interested in habits as we are. We have a special 1st-month discount for you, so read on.

The Sea Change Program is a monthly membership program designed to help you implement and stick to changes, with a different module each month. Modules will be focused on helping you:

This program does one thing: it gives you a very simple plan and some tools to help you make one change a month.

Bonus: I’m also including a bonus ebook if you sign up for Sea Change — my ebook called 52 Changes. See below for more info.

Discount — $1 for your first month

The Sea Change Program is just $10/month, but as a special gift to Lift users, I’m giving it to you for $1 for the first month.

You can subscribe here, with the discounted first month of $1:

Important: Please make sure to return to Zen Habits after you pay by clicking the “return to seller” link, in order to complete your registration! If you don’t, your registration will not be fully processed.

Note: You don’t need to do the whole year — it’s a month-to-month subscription, so you can cancel at any time, though your access to the program will stop when you cancel.

Also note: Once you’ve registered, be sure to check your email for the confirmation email — it might be in your Bulk or Spam folder if it’s not in your inbox. Please click the confirmation link to confirm your email, so you can receive all the updates for member content, webinars, mini-courses and more. After you confirm your email, you’ll get a welcome email with instructions. You can also go to the Members Home Page for all content. If you didn’t receive a confirmation email, see these instructions.

The Simple Plan

How will the plan work? Each month, you’ll get a new module with:

  1. The Simple Plan. Each module will have a plan with a few simple steps you need to follow during the month to create the new change.
  2. Accountability. We’ll be using accountability teams in the forums — it’s a powerful way to stick to a habit.
  3. Reminders. You’ll get an email reminder to stick to your habit every 2-3 days. No excuses!
  4. Articles. I’ll publish 2-4 articles each month on that month’s module topic.
  5. One webinar. There will be one webinar in the middle area of each month, on that month’s module topic.
  6. Forum. A community of like-minded friends to build relationships and create lasting change.

And that’s it! A new module each month, simple, focused, with reminders, accountability and a forum.

Member Feedback

There’s both men and women in the Sea Change program from all over the world. Here’s what MaryAnn, Toby and Tania had to say:

After a long life of struggling with procrastination, I’ve made some progress on projects that I’ve been avoiding for years. ~MaryAnn, USA

I am increasingly productive and in control of things, with a laser-sharp focus on what is important and what’s not. A heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulders after only one month of working with Leo! It has not been easy and it probably won’t get easier on the road ahead, but nothing is more rewarding than working on yourself and seeing real results! ~Toby, Germany

The Sea Change program is a supportive way to make positive changes to your life in a simple and effective way. I have found it hugely rewarding. Leo’s course material is inspiring and the community forum has helped keep me motivated and connected through out the program. ~Tania, Australia

Bonus Ebook: 52 Changes

As a bonus for signing up for the Sea Change Program, you’ll get my ebook, 52 Changes. The book will be free to all Sea Change members, though you can also buy it separately if you don’t sign up for Sea Change. It’s designed to help you make a change a week for a year — which is different than the Sea Change Program but can compliment it. It also contains the 52 changes I recommend the most.

After you sign up, you’ll get an email from me explaining how I’ll send you the bonus ebook.

Important: Please make sure to return to Zen Habits after you pay by clicking the “return to seller” link, in order to complete your registration! If you don’t, your registration will not be fully processed.


Q: Do I need a Paypal account to register?
A: If you have a credit card, you can register … but for this subscription model, yes, you’ll need to create a free Paypal account. It’s very simple, and only requires a credit card, an email, and the creation of a password.

Q: How do I cancel and/or get a refund?
A: There are no refunds, because once you’ve registered you have access to all the content. However, you can cancel your subscription at any time through Paypal, and you won’t be charged again.

Q: I registered, now what?
A: Be sure to check your email for the confirmation email — it might be in your Bulk or Spam folder if it’s not in your inbox. Please click the confirmation link to confirm your email, so you can receive all the updates for member content, webinars, mini-courses and more. After you confirm your email, you’ll get a welcome email with instructions. You can also go to the Members Home Page for all content. If you didn’t receive a confirmation email, see these instructions.

Q: I need help!
A: Always feel free to email [email protected] if you have questions or problems.