We’re excited to help you create change here in Sea Change Premium!

We’ve created an accountability platform using the Slack app, which is available as a web app, on the desktop, and on your phone.

Here’s how it works:

1. Invite: You should get an invite to our Slack team (Sea Change Program) within a day or two of signing up. If not, email us at [email protected].
2. Sign into Slack once you get the invite, set up a username, and say hello on the #community-shares discussion channel.
3. Teams: We’ll add you to an accountability team. You can request to be on a different team if you like. Once you’re added to a team, you can say hello on the team’s channel.
4. Accountability: Use the accountability teams to keep each other accountable for changes you want to make. Talk to each other and work out the best way to do this for your group — this is your responsibility, so don’t wait for someone else to do it! Get to know each other, maybe have a group Skype session or Zoom call, and talk about what you want to commit to. We suggest having weekly check-ins, perhaps on Mondays, reporting in about how you did the previous week with your commitment, and committing to doing something for the next week. You can even have daily check-ins if the group thinks that would be best.
5. Ask Leo questions: If you’re struggling with a habit, want advice, or need help with the program … ask in the #community-shares channel, and tag Leo (@leobabauta). We don’t guarantee an immediate response, but Leo will do his best to jump in here at least every 2-3 days to answer questions, so ask away!

That’s the Premium accountability group feature on Slack. If you have questions, ask on Slack. If you haven’t gotten an invite yet, contact us at [email protected].

And here’s a tutorial to get you started. Along with a few other how-tos:

* Edit your profile
* About channels and direct messages
* Cheat sheet for basics and shortcuts