Working Without Expectations

A great practice is to become aware of when we have expectations throughout the day … and then practice tossing them out and trying to work without them. Let’s look a little deeper into how to do that. With practice, you can become better and better at recognizing your expectations as they arise. Don’t worry […]
Letting Go of Being Judgmental

When you let go of expectations, you are letting go of judgment, and forming a non-judgmental way of being in the world. For some of you, that might not sound that great — why not judge something as wrong if it’s wrong? Why not judge things as bad if they’re bad? Why not judge the […]
A List of Expectations You Might Notice

As you practice letting go of expectations, you might notice that it’s challenging just to notice the expectations — we suggest you use visual and computer/phone reminders to keep this in your awareness during the day. But sometimes even harder is noticing that you even have an expectation — they’re so ingrained in us, and […]
Should We Really Have No Expectations?

One Sea Change member wrote to ask me, regarding tossing out expectations: “Do you really think we should have NO expectations? You are right, some expectations I have to toss into the ocean. On the other hand, I think we should have some kind of expectations and instead deal with the reaction. What do you […]
1. Week 4: Create a Plan for the Coming Year

It’s time for Week 4 of our Sacred Bow Challenge! If you’d still like to do the challenge, know that you don’t have to do everything by the end of this month. If you’re behind, don’t stress — just take the next step today, and carve out time each day from now on for this process. […]
2. The Magic of Setting Intention

When we set out to start doing a task, it can be easy to automatically put it aside, because it’s difficult, confusing, overwhelming, uncomfortable. But that’s because we’re focusing on the negative part of doing the task: the discomfort of doing it. That’s like having a kid and only thinking about all the poop you […]
1. Week 3: Set Intentions for the Coming Year

OK, let’s dive into Week 3 of our Sacred Bow Challenge! If you haven’t started, no worries — start today. If you’re behind, don’t stress — just take the next step today, and carve out time each day from now on for this process. Here’s what we’re going to do this week, just 15 minutes a […]
All About Tossing Out Your Expectations

Let’s talk a little bit about having goals and ambitions without expectations. We must start with the realization that just because we have a goal, doesn’t mean we can actually make that happen. We don’t actually control the outcome of life, even if it seems we do. The goal only provides an illusion of control. […]