1. Beautiful Mornings Week 4 (and beyond): More Slow Expansion
We’re starting Week 4 of our Beautiful Mornings Challenge, and this week is about waking just a little earlier, and (optionally) choosing a 3rd thing to do in your lovely morning routine. In the first two weeks, you woke a bit earlier and took on a new task each week, and then spent the third […]
2. Continual Improvement Method: Getting Kick-Ass at Your Relationship
Relationship problems can be truly difficult, and one month of mindfully working on these issues isn’t usually enough. I know Eva and I have recurring issues that we need to work on, skills that we need to improve, methods that need to be adjusted. And so we’re starting a new system that I think is […]
4: Meditation Obstacles & Suggestions
If all is going well, you’ve meditated a bunch of times this month. Great! But likely one or more things have gotten in your way, either stopping you from meditating or causing you frustration when you do meditate. Let’s take a moment to address those obstacles, with my own recommendations and some from your fellow […]
1. Week 4: Simplify by Reducing Screen Time & Distractions
In this final week of the Simplify Your Life Challenge, we’re taking a look at one of the biggest challenges for many people when it comes to simplifying: distractions and electronics. These two things have become such a huge part of most of our lives that they seem inseparable from living for many people. Any […]
4. Why Awesome Finances is Worth the Trouble
We’re well into the Awesome Finances challenge, and some of you might be feeling like this is all a lot of trouble. I get that — most people aren’t overjoyed to be thinking about finances. But it’s definitely worth the trouble. Whether you’re doing fine but want to automate and simplify your investments, or especially […]
3: Working With What You Find in Meditation
When you meditate and try to keep your attention on your breath … your mind will notice things. When you notice things going on in your mind, these are things you can work with. They are things that are actually occurring all day long, in your head, but you notice them more when you’re meditating. […]
3. Dreading Doing Big Tasks
Perhaps the most common cause of procrastination is the putting off of major tasks. Why do we put off the big tasks or projects? Lots of possible reasons: We’re busy and don’t feel we have time for something that will take an hour or three. The task is difficult and uncomfortable, and doing smaller, more […]
1. Week 4: The Powerful Practice of Giving What You Want to Receive
As we move into Week 4 of our Open-Hearted Relationships Challenge, we are going to practice something truly transformative — giving what you want to receive. Let’s explain that phrase a little more: the difficulties in a relationship often come when we’re not getting what we want to get. For example, it might hurt to not […]