Dear friends,

Lots of you have been wondering about what modules we’re going to have in 2016, and others have been wanting an update on the habit app I’m creating. I have news on all of that and much more. Ready? Let’s go!

1. Pricing

The first thing to note is that Sea Change pricing is going back up … to $19/month. For new members, starting in January. For all of you who are already in the program, your monthly membership cost won’t change. You’re grandpersoned in! That’s because I love you. New people who are just joining the program? I love them but not as much as all you. ;)

Anyway, I just wanted to warn you so you don’t make the mistake of canceling your membership before January, because otherwise you’ll pay a higher monthly price if you try to get back in.

Also, if you’re still paying old pricing because you’re still in the Paypal system, even after I asked you to switch a year ago … please switch now! You’ll get the $10/month cost. You’ll have to cancel your account and sign up again, but it’s pretty easy. If you’re not sure if you’re paying at the old level, check your Paypal account and if you see a monthly payment to Sea Change or Zen Habits, cancel your account. If you don’t, you’re paying through credit card at the current level.

2. Switching to courses

Another huge change is that I’m changing the format of Sea Change, from a bunch of pages with mostly articles on the various habit modules, to courses. That means you’ll choose a course to take, have lessons (with videos for many of them), take quizzes, and see your progress through a progress bar. I’m switching to this format as we speak, to be launched in January.

It’s going to be a better format for all of you, with content for beginners and advanced members. You’ll see your progress, watch some videos with my handsome face, and generally be guided better along the process. More on this before the end of the month!

3. Curriculum for 2016

You’ve all been wondering what the habit modules will be for 2016 … and I’ve been holding you in suspense! Well, actually I’m still working on it, but I’m switching to a quarterly model … meaning that we’ll have 2 courses every quarter (every 3 months) focused on one topic.

Here are the quarterly topics:

  1. Quarter 1: Mindfulness
  2. Quarter 2: Health
  3. Quarter 3: Simplicity
  4. Quarter 4: Creativity

Again, I’ll have something for advanced members in each of the courses for these quarterly units, in addition to the beginner-focused content. So long-time members, you’ll be covered!

If for some reason you don’t want to focus on these things, I’ll still have the old content, just not in course format (not yet, at least, I’ll be converting slowly). More info on the curriculum before the end of the month.

4. The Habit Done app

As you might know, I’ve been working on a habit app for all of you. It’s costing me moolah, which is why I’m increasing the price of Sea Change. But anyway, it’s coming along!

A couple hundred people have been testing it, and it basically works. But it’s not pretty, which is why I hired a designer. Now it will work and look great. The design is done, now just coding it into the app. I hope to have something for you all to test out in January sometime.

The app will be very simple to start with — just checking in and email reminders. But we’ll add accountability groups and much more as we iterate over the course of the new several months. More on this later as well!

5. And More!

Two more things:

I have a new book coming out next week, Essential Zen Habits. It’s a distillation of last year’s Zen Habits book, but better. I’ll announce it next week, but I wanted you guys to know first.

Also, I’m working on a Habit Mastery program for Sea Change, and am developing it slowly. It will be launched in the next 3-6 months (I hope) but at a higher price than the basic membership. It will help you develop your habit skills from novice to master, or white belt to black belt, or newb to ninja. However you might like to see yourself. :) More in the coming months!

Lastly, I’m really glad to have you all here. I’m creating all of this out of love for all of you, and am grateful to be in this community with you. You are lovely and brilliant people, who pretty much rock all the time. That’s why I do this.

in joy,

Leo Babauta
Sea Change Program