By Leo Babauta

In this webinar, I talked about why we have negative thinking patterns, how to start to change them, and a few replacement patterns we might try instead. (See notes below.)

I’ve broken this webinar recording into three parts:

  1. Part I – Meditation & Talk: A short meditation, & my talk on negative thinking patterns and how to use mindfulness to change them. (See notes)
  2. Part II – Retreat: I spoke for a few minutes about a mindfulness retreat I’m holding in April, and my plans to hold more retreats in the future.
  3. Part III – Questions & Answers: I answered questions on whether negative thoughts are real, people attacking you in front of others, not recognizing your negative thinking, having a healthy relationship with a negative person, self-criticism with negative projects, and more!

Part I: Leo’s Talk (with notes)

You can download this video here, or download just the audio. Or watch below.

Here are the notes from my talk (video is below the notes):

Part II: Leo’s Upcoming Retreats

In this short segment, I use a few minutes’ of downtime to talk about an upcoming retreat (and more) that I’m planning to announce soon:

Part III: Questions and Answers

You can download this video here, or download just the audio. Or watch below.

Questions answered in this video: