By Leo Babauta
I’m so excited to work with all of you in 2015!
I have lots of great things coming up, and today I’d like to share them with all of you.
It might seem like a lot to take in one sitting, so feel free to get up and stretch, get a glass of water, do a few pushups, and then come back and read. And repeat.
Today I’ll share the modules we’ll be working on in 2015, along with:
- The Grand Experiment: A great new experiment to improve your habit method and accountability groups.
- Group Master: An upcoming way to put people into groups and find new members if your group needs them.
- Also, Group Master: A *part-time) job opening here at Sea Change.
- Advanced mentorships & challenges: For those of you who have been in Sea Change for awhile, we’ll have some new things for you!
- Forum policies: I’ve decided it’s best to set some general policies for civility on the forum.
Let’s dive in.
Sea Change Modules in 2015
Based on the member poll, I’ve created the following lineup for 2015:
- January: Meditation
- February: Healthy eating
- March: Decluttering
- April: Exercise
- May: Unprocrastination
- June: Learning/studying
- July: Debt reduction (saving/investing)
- August: Quitting a bad habit
- September: A good start (waking early, yoga or MITs)
- October: Gratitude
- November: Creating
- December: Letting Go
We’re starting with meditation because it’s a simple habit to create, and one that will lead to mindfulness benefits for all the other habits in the year.
We have some new habits in there — learning something new (or studying), along with quitting a bad habit, A Good Start (which is starting your day off with a good routine), and Creating. And we’re revisiting some others we haven’t seen in awhile, such as Gratitude and Letting Go.
It should be a great year!
The Grand Experiments
In 2015, we’re going to try two grand experiments (participation is optional but strongly encouraged):
- Habit recipes: I’ll be creating a form where you can create a recipe for your new habit. You’ll use a number of standard ingredients (reminders, accountability), but you choose the ingredients and how you’ll use them in your personal habit recipe. Track how the recipe works for you (how many days did you do the habit this month), and share your success rate.
- Group recipes: I’ll create another form for accountability groups to create recipes for how they manage their groups. Same idea, where you create a mixture of different ingredients, measure and submit your success rate.
What’s the point of these recipes? Well, I’m going to share the most successful habit and group recipes with everyone, so that you can perhaps get some ideas for the best recipes you might try for yourself. Over time, I think we’ll have a set of incredible recipes for everyone to choose from, and we’ll all benefit from this Grand Experiment.
More details on this soon!
Mentorships & Advanced Challenges
For those of you who have been in Sea Change for more than a year, you might be wondering what’s next? You’ve learned the basics of habit creation, and need to know where to go from here.
I have two solutions for you:
- Mentorships: I’d like to allow you to volunteer to be habit mentors for newer members. This will be really useful for the new members, of course, but teaching what you know to others will deepen your learning. I’ve found it to be really useful in my life.
- Advanced Challenges: If you want to go beyond the most basic habits, I’ll be providing some advanced challenges for each module. This is for experienced habit builders only!
I hope you veteran Sea Changers enjoy these additions. More info to come soon.
The Group Master
One of the hardest things in our program has been helping new members find teams, and helping teams find new members when they have openings. I have an idea to solve that.
I’m planning on hiring a Group Master, who will help sort members into teams if the need one, and fill open slots for teams that need members.
This should make the process way easier — just submit your info into a form, and you’ll get a message back in a couple days with your new team.
I’m hiring: So, if you’re interested in this job, it will probably take 8-12 hours for the first week of every month (when we get an influx of new members) and 4-6 hours each week.
New Forum Policies
Finally, I’ve created a new set of forum policies, just to make a few things clear:
They mostly have to do with civility, and how to deal with problems when they arise. So far, we’ve had an incredible community with amazingly few conflicts, and I want to thank you all for that.
Comments/suggestions about all of this? Post them on this thread!