By Leo Babauta

For May, I’m going to challenge you to get out of your comfort zone, and carve out time every day possible to do something you love.

This might seem like a trivial challenge, but I find it to be profound. We push back the important things in our life, from spending time with loved ones to finding time in nature or creating, to doing the work that will help people in the world … but what are we waiting for?

We’re waiting for life to change. For time to open up, for space to be created, for things to calm down … but actually, life will always be this busy. We will always have the same excuses.

It’s time to act, and stop putting things off.

It’s time to make the space, rather than waiting for it to happen.

It’s time to finally do what we love.

What do you love doing? What makes you happy? What song do you need to sing? What is so important to you, so crucial to your essence, that you *must* do it?

Here are some things from my list:

* Meditation & yoga
* Reading
* Spending time with my loves
* Communing with nature
* Moving, outdoors
* Exerting myself
* Eating delicious, healthy vegan food
* Doing the work that serves you guys

These are *must* dos for me. Maybe not all of them every day. But some of them every day, or my soul will start to wither from lack of nourishment.

What do you need to do to nourish yourself? To replenish your psyche?

Make a short list. Then make time to do it every day. I recommend 30-60 minutes, but you might just start with 10, to make it doable.

Commit to this challenge for the next month!

And then check in every week.

My commitment: hold a webinar (plus the one I missed last month) on the topic, and write 2-3 articles to support your challenge.

Update: Here’s the first article – Carving Out Time for Doing What You Love