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This lesson talks about simplifying in a simple way.

So far I have given you 3 areas of your life to simplify. 

  1. Simplifying possessions
  2. Simplifying your schedule or your day
  3. Simplifying finances

These are big areas and you amy feel a little overwhelmed. I wanted to pull back a bit and talk about simplifying in a simple way.

We talked about having huge amounts of clutter to go through, simplifying our commitments and our finances. Simplifying your life is very complex and can feel overwhelming and difficult. Take this as an opportunity to apply the idea of simplicity to simplifying. 

This is a learning opportunity. If you are overwhelmed by a lot, then you simplify by focusing on just a little bit. If we are taking about clutter, do just one armload, one drawer, or one shelf at a time. Focus on just that and don’t worry about all that you have to do. Like when you meditate, all you need to focus on is one breath at a time. Each breath is an opportunity to start again, to really pay attention, to be present.

We are doing the same thing with every opportunity to simplify. Get one drawer out, empty it, and take one item. With this one item, you are trying to be present with that one item and ask

Very simply, look at the one item and decide what you want to do with it. Every single item has the end of a life so we can appreciate what it brought into our lives and how wonderful that has been. Then it comes to an end. We can do that with each item one at a time. Simplifying clutter can be one item at a time.

Same thing with finances. Look up one bill and say this is what I am doing right now. Add it to your list, look at the amount, and put down the interest rate. The do it with the next one. Just like one breath at a time, do one thing at a time. Each one of these is taking a step forward and simplifying your finances.

Same thing with simplifying your day. Look at your commitments, make a short list, start to simplify commitments, simplify your routine. One commitment at a time, one step at a time, you are simplifying your day.

We can so this in any area of our lives.

All of these areas of our life we can apply this to. This idea of simplifying in a simple way. One thing at a time. As you go forward the rest of the month, I want you to keep this in mind. One step at a time. That step is the entire universe to you. By looking at everything, you are getting in to an old habit about thinking about everything and looking to the future instead of staying in the present, current step you are on.

Lovingly stay present with whatever it is you are focusing on right now. When you simplify your life, just look at one little thing. In this way, simplicity can be a wonderful experience, another meditation. As we simplify our lives, we are working on each step with love, attention and presence.

The challenge: pick one of the areas we have tackled already and continue with it into the next lesson.