Please note that the following courses are older content, and there are some gaps in the content as we have moved things around when we redesigned the site at the end of 2019. The content is still awesome! Just note that there may be some incongruency with the order or other little inconsistencies.

Article-based habit modules:

1. Mastering Habit Skills
2. The Meditation Habit
3. Healthy Eating
4. Unprocrastination
5. A Month of Mindfulness
6. Get Active
7. The Gratitude Habit
8. Awesome Finances (debt, investing, savings)
9. Quitting a Bad Habit
10. A Good Start to Your Day
11. Self-compassion
12. Decluttering
13. 30-Day Learning Challenge
14. Toss Your Expectations Into the Ocean
15. Simple Living 
16. The Mindful Productivity Habit
17. Mindful relationships
18. Get organized
19. Reduce/eliminate debt
20. Read Every Day
21. Create Daily Habit
22. The Letting Go Challenge