In this webinar, we will use the skills we learned in our mindfulness challenge to form a beautiful fitness habit, and overcome the obstacles of exercise.

I’ve broken this webinar recording into two parts:

  1. Part I – My Talk: Skills we learned in our mindfulness challenge to form a beautiful fitness habit. (See notes)
  2. Part II – Questions & Answers: Overcoming the obstacles of exercise.

Part I: Leo’s Talk (with notes)

You can download this video here, or download just the audio. Or watch above.

Here are the notes from my talk (video is below the notes):

The Problem
Forming the active habit can be a challenge for a lot of people … some of the most common obstacles:

None of these obstacles is a problem, in an of themselves. It’s OK to feel tired or lazy. It’s OK to want comfort or not want to be sore or sweaty. It’s OK to feel fear.
But that doesn’t mean we let those fears and dislikes rule our lives. We can work with them, mindfully, for the love of our bodies and our health. For the love of those we want to serve, because being healthy will help us serve them better.

Part II: Questions and Answers

You can download this video here, or download just the audio. Or watch below.

Mindfully Forming the Active Habit & Dealing with Obstacles
Using our mindfulness skills we formed in the last challenge, we can practice in much the same way to form the active habit:

  1. Make a commitment to practice
  2. Set aside the time and find a space
  3. Put aside everything else and just fully be with this practice
  4. Notice the urges to quit or put it off, and practice with those, taking the smallest next step
  5. Practicing gratitude during the activity, and to close it out

So it’s just like a meditation practice, but with movement. We put aside everything else, and be fully in this space we created. And we not only move, but are fully with the movement. We are fully practicing with whatever comes up for us.
If we can do this, we might even be able to enjoy the practice. Relax into it and smile with gratitude. Allow ourselves to feel joy — the joy of moving and feeling alive.
The keys to using mindfulness to overcome the common obstacles: