1. Week 2: Start Creating Awesome Finances
Let’s move into Week 2 of our Awesome Finances Challenge — this week we’re going to use our daily session to start setting up our finances in an awesome way. What would awesome finances look like? Some ideas: You’re debt-free or moving in the direction of debt-free. That means creating an amount each month that […]
Join a Small Team
What we’ve found in this Sea Change Program is that there’s one single most important feature of this program. And that’s being on a small team. Unfortunately, most people don’t bother to join a small team. And so I’ve recorded this video to talk about the power of being on a small team: Please take […]
Join the Sea Change Community on Slack
We’ve created a community on Slack for our Sea Change Program, and it is thriving! It’s the place where you can get accountability, support, and be a part of our monthly challenges. Join using this link (you’ll need to enter your email address, then check your email for the verification email): Join the Sea Change […]
1. Create Daily Week 1: Just Create the Space
Let’s get started with the Create Daily Challenge — this week, all we have to do is create the space and enter into it. Pretty simple! The idea is that we’re not going to say, “I’m going to write every day for an hour,” and then do it for 1-2 days before failing. That’s not […]
1. Awesome Finances Week 1: Fearless Mess Sorting
It’s time to start our Awesome Finances Challenge! This can be a scary or stressful area for many people … so this week, we’re going to be very gentle with ourselves as we start. We’re also going to be courageous. “You must do the things you think you cannot do.”~Eleanor Roosevelt This is about turning […]
The Create Daily Challenge Overview
This month, we can continue our discipline work by practicing the discipline of creating space to create something. Every day. The challenge is to create space to create daily. That might seem simple to some, and to others it might sound preposterous — who has the time to create something? You do! What can we […]
The Awesome Finances Challenge
The challenge this month is to fully face something that’s scary for a lot of us: our finances. It’s a topic that many people want to turn away from, because there’s so much emotional baggage tied up in money and our attitudes about money. But this month, we run no more. We continue our work […]
Test Shortcode
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