3. Video Lesson: Obstacles: How We Get in Our Own Way

In this lesson, we discuss obstacles and how we get in our own way — our biggest obstacle is ourselves.
2. Video Lesson: How to Continue Your Create Daily Habit

In this lesson we discuss how to continue your progress with the creative habit as we wrap up.
1. Create Daily Week 4: Find Joy & Play in Creating

As we move into the final week of our Create Daily Challenge, let’s look for the joy in our Create Daily sessions! Last week, we expanded the time of our sessions and explored some new ways of creating … this week, the challenge is to play and find joy. When we sit down to create, there […]
4. Self-Compassion for Writers and Other Tortured Souls

Guest article by Bodhipaksa of Wildmind.org. I was talking to a Buddhist friend at the weekend who’s a wonderful writer. She creates amazing blog posts that usually start off deeply personal but go on to teach important and universal lessons about life. I have a lot to learn from her about combining the personal and […]
3. Video Lesson: Morning Pages

In this lesson, I discuss the technique of “morning pages,” one of my favorite tools, which I’ve stolen from Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way.
2. Video Lesson: Mindful Creating – Focus on the Process

In this lesson, I talk about letting go of the outcome of creating, and focus more on the process of creating, which is super important.
1. Create Daily Week 3: Expand the Space & Your Creative Practice

As we move into the third week of our Create Daily Challenge, we are going work on expanding our creative space to 15-20 minutes (or more), and also work on practices to expand how we create. Let’s start with expanding the creative space: In Week 1, we said that we are going to set aside just […]
4. Create Daily: Just a Little Prewriting

If you are sitting down to create, and you find yourself facing a blank screen, blank page, blank canvas … with nothing to put on it … you might need a few minutes of prewriting. When I write a blog post, for example, it’s often after I’ve already thought about the topic of the post […]