Webinar: Beliefs to Let Go Of Around Healthy Eating
When we’re taking on the Healthy Eating habit, it can be much more complex than we think. We have many ingrained beliefs around eating that can make this undertaking very difficult. In this webinar, I share a number of beliefs we can let go of to make things easier, or to make change more possible: […]
Webinar: Unprocrastinating or Quitting a Bad Habit
The problem: When we procrastinate, we turn away from tasks (and other habits, like exercise and meditation) … this leads to not doing what we want to do in our lives, and feeling bad about ourselves. So how do we shift this? The opportunity: We can shift this habit of turning away with practice. Simply […]
Webinar Recording: A Primer on Quitting
In this webinar, I went over the mechanics of quitting a habit, how to choose a “bad” habit to quit, and how to overcome common obstacles. The notes are below … you can watch the video here, or download it here to watch on your computer/device. The Notes What are bad habits? Things that cause […]
A Meditation on Coping with Difficult Feelings
By Leo Babauta In this video, I talk about how our bad habits are a result of wanting to run away from, or avoid, the difficult feelings that we inevitably deal with on a daily basis: Stress Sadness/depression Anger/frustration/irritation Loneliness Feeling overwhelmed Feeling guilty Feeling bad about yourself These are things we must cope with, […]
Dealing with Opposition from Others
When you’re quitting a bad habit, sometimes the biggest obstacle isn’t you — it’s the people around you. Those bastards. The opposition can come in many forms: Your spouse/partner feels threatened by this new change you’re making and seems to resent it. Perhaps you both drink alcohol or smoke together and you’re trying to quit, […]
Continuing Your Quit, & How to Manage Multiple Habits
As we wrap up our month of Quitting a Bad Habit, the question is, “Where do I go from here if I haven’t completely quit yet?” Even if all has gone well, you might not be completely over your bad habit. And for many of you, things haven’t gone “perfectly” (which is totally fine!), and […]
1. Video Lesson: Long – Term
Welcome to Lesson 8 of the Quitting a Bad Habit Challenge! In this lesson, we are talking about how to continue: If obstacle comes up – let it become your practice ground. Whatever comes up, take a note of it, use it to practice with. Assess yourself. Regular reviews. Every week. If you are struggling, […]
Getting Over the Three-Week Slump
By Leo Babauta Over a number of habit changes, I noticed that there was always a period when my initial enthusiasm faded, and I struggled to stay with the habit change. When it comes to changing habits, your best friend is complete focus, having nothing else in your life that matters while you concentrate on […]