Getting Over the Three-Week Slump
By Leo Babauta Over a number of habit changes, I noticed that there was always a period when my initial enthusiasm faded, and I struggled to stay with the habit change. When it comes to changing habits, your best friend is complete focus, having nothing else in your life that matters while you concentrate on […]
2. Video Lesson: Difficult Emotions
Welcome to Lesson 7 of the Quitting a Bad Habit Challenge! In this lesson, we are talking about difficult feelings that might come up: Frustration, dissapointment, stress, anxiety, overwhelm, feeling behind,… Many strategies of coping. Excercise, meditation, yoga, walking,… Journaling, talking with others, hot bath, tea, massage, breathing,… Mindfulness and compassion. Turn your attention toward […]
1. Video Lesson: Obstacles & Encouragement
Welcome to Lesson 6 of the Quitting a Bad Habit Challenge! In this lesson, we are talking about obstacles and what to do about them: Typical pattern of behaviour with bad habit as a negative snowball. Point is to catch yourself somewhere in the process as early as possible. Implement new coping mechanism. If we […]
Track Your Triggers
By Leo Babauta For the first few days of this month, I’d like you to not quit your habit yet. Instead, it’s important that you learn what your triggers are. You might already have an idea, but for three days, I’d like you to be like a nature scientist, observing an animal’s habits in the […]
3. Video Lesson: Replacement Habits
Welcome to Lesson 5 of the Quitting a Bad Habit Challenge! In this lesson, we are talking about replacement habits: New habit that will be helpful in dealing with a trigger – overwhelm, worry, stress, frustration,… Something that will have positive effect on you. This week: Choose a replacement habit and test it out. You […]
2. Video Lesson: Urges & Rationalizations
Welcome to Lesson 4 of the Quitting a Bad Habit Challenge! In this lesson, we are talking about urges: Think about it as a sensation in your body and meditate about it. Bring curiosity. What does it feel like? Urge will get really strong but after a while it will start to fade. Write down […]
1. Video Lesson: Environment
Welcome to Lesson 3 of the Quitting a Bad Habit Challenge! In this lesson, we are talking about creating the right environment: Tell people – it creates accountability. Get rid of temptations. Create the environment that will lead to success. Commit to checking in. Ask for support. This week: Think through your environment so you […]
2. Video Lesson: Key Ideas
Welcome to Lesson 2 of the Quitting a Bad Habit! In this lesson, we are discussing some ground work for quitting a habit. Methods: Quitting cold turkey – from doing it to not doing it at all. Gradually Quitting – slope rather than a cliff. More effective according to the research. Change slowly. Any habit […]