2. Video Lesson: Internal Motivation

Welcome to Lesson 6 of the Creating Long-Term Habits Challenge. In this lesson, we talk about motivation as it comes to habit and finding internal motivation: Reasons not to do the habit are stronger than to do it. External motivation – something out there that is motivating me. Internal motivation – within us. Internal ones […]
1. Video Lesson: Coming Back on Track

Welcome to Lesson 5 of the Creating Long-Term Habits Challenge ! In this lesson, we talk about coming back when we have gotten off track: Deepen into that practice. Notice when you get off track from what your intentions were. Just notice without making yourself guilty. Notice how it went, what did you feel. Would […]
2. Video Lesson: Daily Reflections

Welcome to Lesson 4 of the Creating Long-Term Habits Challenge. In this lesson, we talk about daily reflections and their benefits: Reflecting on a daily, weekly, monthly or even longer term basis. You can put reflection in your structure. Reminders and acknowledgments as a useful tools. Use reflection as a learning material. Daily reflections help […]
1. Video Lesson: Accountability

Welcome to Lesson 3 of the Creating Long-Term Habits. In this lesson, we talk about structure and accountability: Have you included any kind of accountability in your plan? It is something that a lot of people relate to in a difficult way. It can feel restricting, embarrassing or dangerous. Open up to the possibility that […]
2. Video Lesson: Structure

Welcome to Lesson 2 of the Creating Long-Term Habits. In this lesson, we talk about structure: Structure is a plan, agreement, an operating bylaw. It is actually enabling. Structure or context that makes long-term habit and vision likely to unfold. Our lives right now are structured to prevent long-term habit from happening. Changing things by […]
1. Video Lesson: Choosing a Habit, Vision

Welcome to Lesson 1 of the Creating Long-Term Habits Challenge! In this lesson, we will choose a habit: Choose one habit now. Think about what would you like to take on. Notice what there is that gets in the way of choosing and creating a vision. Note that – discouragement, overwhelmed, resistance. Notice your response […]
Overview: Long-Term Habits

In this overview, we talk about creating long-term habits and what they actually are. Look at them as on a project that will take some time to accomplish. We need to create a habit that will last for a long time. Examples: learning new language, running a marathon, weight loss, financial transformation, It is not […]
Webinar: The Power of Habit Environment

In this webinar, I talk about the actual power of our habit environment. I’ve broken this webinar recording into two parts: Part I – My Talk: Habit environment (See notes) Part II – Questions & Answers: I answered some really great questions from some amazing people, please watch! Part I: Leo’s Talk (with notes) In […]