Please note that the following courses are older content, and there are some gaps in the content as we have moved things around when we redesigned the site at the end of 2019. The content is still awesome! Just note that there may be some incongruency with the order or other little inconsistencies.

Here in Sea Change, we can support each other’s journeys through our monthly challenges.

Here’s the challenge archives:

Eat Healthy Meals:

Declutter Your Space:

Daily Reading Challenge:

Daily Unprocrastination Challenge

The Grounded Challenge: Practicing with Your Difficulties

The Iron Will Challenge: Develop Consistency

Sacred Bow: An Intentional Way to Close Out the Year & Start the New Year

The Drop Deeper into Mindfulness Challenge

The Mindful Fitness Challenge

The Healthy Eating Challenge

The Beautiful Mornings Challenge

Dive Into Important Tasks Challenge

Simplify Your Life Challenge: